Saturday, April 18, 2009

Springtime Fun.

As the countdown until the move continues to decrease, I still find myself avoiding the inevitable {packing} and still seeing my kids make memories in these last couple of weeks. The last three days they have spent HOURS manning an iced-tea stand. It has evolved into an iced-tea and bake stand. Mommy, could you please bake some cupcakes became Mommy could you please bake cupcakes AND popcorn balls... and then today they added mini lemon cakes. In three days they've made over $250 !! Can you believe that? I remember when I was happy just to get a bill at the end of it when I took all those coins to the bank! My kids are so bummed that it's suppose to rain today - not good for business! HA. I tell ya though, it has kept them busy. They set up at 11am and run through until supper time. Gives me a quiet house to, err... what was it I was doing again? ....
...enjoy your weekend, even if it is a bit drizzly! :)

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