Sunday, December 16, 2007

Postage Technique

Because we've been busy in the kitchen, and mostly doing tags in the stamp room, I thought I'd share an older card I made with you using the postage technique. I've made a few with this technique that I'll share over the next couple of weeks :) It's a fun technique that you do use your printer for and then cut out, mask, sponge with color & stamp. I think I've seen stamp-sized & edged punches out there now. I just used a pair of decorative scissors that I had that sort of "worked" :) I do believe fiskar makes and actual POSTAGE scissor though. So many toys & gadgets out there!
Enjoy your Sunday...

1 comment:

QuiltNut Creations said...

i love these postage cards too. i even got as far as printing off some of the templates last year.