Wednesday, May 07, 2008

I hate unpacking.... or am I packing?!

First off - for those of you who asked about the storage system, it's from IKEA. :) Nice & Easy to put together (not like the sideboard dresser I ordered for between them from another store that's laying in a zillion pieces all over the floor... gonna need to sweet talk DH!!!). :)

Well, I think we've nearly decided that we're moving. We know we're selling our beautiful home because the market is HOT, HOT, HOT ... and that was our intention a few months into the project. BUT... we might actually be moving OUT OF PROVINCE. So all those boxes that have been in storage for 2+ years (eek!) are now being brought in & I'm "unpacking"... simply to pack again. HOW DEPRESSING IS THAT?! BUT the goal is to have an enormous Garage Sale in 10 days!! That'll get my butt into gear to get into those boxes. I look at everything thinking "seriously... if I didn't need it for OVER two years... do I *really* need it?!" So... I think it's going to be a big yard sale!!

I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've had something stamped to share with you.... I sure do miss it!


kellycats said...

What?!? Out of province. I know I never see you now, but I like knowing there is only a bit of water between us.

Giovana said...

Wowww I love garage sales!!! Sadly I live to far away from you, LOL.

I hope you sell everything.
God bless

Anonymous said...

WHAT???? But the floors are just finished..OMG..I could not do it! LOL. All that hard work..where are you moving to?