I also won a wonderful prize over at Joshua Jiraffe Designs' blog! Here's what I won:
Yes, this AMAZING gift (she even included the darling covered box!!) I ooh'd & aaah'd over EVERYTHING. She even added in extra bonuses! These absolutely darling Christmas tags (in a box!) check them out HERE. Aren't they fabulous?! I just LOVE them and I will ABSOLUTELY be using them next year (and I hope to case the idea for gifts myself!) Karen you were BEYOND generous with your gift. I love everything - all the buttons and embellies, the scrumptious ribbons, the darling stamp set, there was an adorable heart box covered with beautiful pink/brown papers (my favorite color combo!!!) -- I will seriously use EVERYTHING! Just what I needed after the last few months - a box full of inspiration & fun! So THANKYOU!!! You must all go check out here blog, here's the link again: JOSHUA JIRAFFE DESIGNS. She has amazing talent & inspiring ideas!!
I haven't done much stamping here.... one card I think, but I do hope to change that next week. While hubby is home for the week we devote that week to family time (boys are out golfing right now!) and then when he's gone I have a bit more time. Hope to set up some stamp time with my Mom next week and get going again. I do want to get scrapbooking, but my printer for some reason didn't make it on the truck (WAAA!!!). It's sitting in the storage unit up in Fort Mac. LOVE having a photo printer and not having to sit and order online... all ONE SIZE. BLEK! So... bummed about that. Need to get some photos though so I can scrap!
As school winds down, how is everyone doing? Drop me a line! :)
Enjoy your week,