Sunday, August 17, 2008

a little something-something....

I have a tiny little giveaway :) Just a wee one. A package of 4 ready-made accents by RebeccaSower designs. It's *real* leaves -- more like decorated tags.... yeah, difficult to explain & today is such a busy day I don't have time to photo & post for you... so if you'd like a wee little goodie in your mailbox, leave me a comment & you're in the draw -- yup, that easy -- it's summer... keepin' it easy!

We're enjoying record highs here in the Okanagan... lovin' this heat!! It's been very relaxing spending day after day after day after day... at the beach! The lake is so refreshing on the hot ones. Still searching for a place to live in AB, but I think we're getting there. Might be in limbo for awhile yet as the best home right now isn't available until oct. 1st and we arrive sept 2nd with all our stuff. Gotta love transition!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you are leavin the coast for fort mac, power to you.
Enjoy the weather while you can.
lol. take care and here's hopin you find a spot in fort mac

Kimmer said...

I'm missing my favourite babysitter! But I'm glad you're having fun in the sun & at the Lake.

kellycats said...

Hi Jen, glad to hear you are having fun in the sun in the Okanagon! What is better than a sunny day at the beach with the family??? Hope you find a place soon and that the rest of your move goes super smoothly and effortlessly.
Take care,


Alanne Schellenberg said...

Enter me! Enter me!