Friday, August 14, 2009

In the thick of planning....

Life has been crazy. So busy planning, and booking, and getting very excited about the trip. Leaving on September 16th...and that is coming up quick! We're heading back to Fort Mac next week to go through storage stuff - the 'ol sell, sort, what to take, what to store...won't be fun. But I'll be singing "Pleeeease release me let me gooooooo" as I fling stuff we DO NOT need. Wow, we hold on to stuff for so many reasons besides NEED.
I haven't had any more stamping time, but I will continue to show you some pages from the wedding album. I'll try to send a bit more often, than just the recipes on Wednesdays :)

How's your summer going? What have you been working on?
This page was SIMPLE! They were photos she wanted to include, but we were really hard to trim down & work with. I ended up just matting them, and using chipboard elements.
Enjoy your day,

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