Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Slowly mending....

This flu has knocked us over. Being 9months pregnant AND having the flu is not something I want to do again! I'm not sure what I would have done without my Mom!!
We're slowly mending, although we still have one on the couch. Blek.
Looks like our little boy will be arriving very shortly. We have an induction planned on Thursday - I was so hoping not to be induced, but being late, and what looks to be like a very large baby, it's time!
We're so excited to meet him!
Grandma has been busy teaching the girls sewing projects and crocheting and they've been having a grand time! These are a couple cards I made - one will be for a birthday and one is for Great Grandma who is in the hospital. Hopefully it'll brighten her day.
It's hard to believe that summer is drawing to a close and the "back to school" talk has begun. Where does the time go?
OK, back to sipping the Raspberry Leaf tea - trying to get this baby to come on his own!! :)

1 comment:

QuiltNut Creations said...

hope everyone is back to 100% soon. and good luck on Thursday!