Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Mail Candy

Don't you love getting something in the mail that isn't *junk*! (a.k.a. BILLS {LOL}) Well yesterday I got just that, a little mail candy from a fellow demo in Ontario - KA Beaudry! I'm really loving the Spring Mini, and this fresh, spring Set "Polka Dots & Paisley" is so fun. I must make some time this week to stamp up some cards. I have been concentrating on my scrapbook, but am feeling the NEEEEEED to stamp some cards (love that "instant" gradification!). :)

So it's the final day in February. Such a fun month for us it was (minus the sinus colds & stomach flu). We enjoyed birthday bashes and yummy cakes, as well as some warmer days & sunshine. I actually think next month might equal DRYWALL at the new house which is beyond exciting as it's been sitting for some time now (what do they say about a mechanic... his car is the last to get fixed. Well, think the same goes for the builder! LOL). So I may actually get some house photos up here in the next few weeks. Just deciding on cabinets, plumbing, faucets, fixtures, where to put this, where to put that -- WAY too many decisions for me. I'd rather STAMP! :)

Cheers everyone -- hope your day is sunny & bright.

1 comment:

Kristi-Anna said...

Hey Jennifer ... glad you enjoyed your card! I don't know if I put the recipe on the back, but most of it is straight forward. I did colour the flower with the watercolour wonder crayons, and used my blender pen to paint it around :)