Sunday, February 04, 2007

Squeezed in a page

I don't usually scrapbook on white. Guess I'm a color freak, but I saw a layout in a magazine & I loved the crispness (is that a word?) of the page. I needed something with color do go beside my FUNKY page, but didn't want to "match" this time. Do you always do 2-page spreads? I'm torn. Before, I never did. Each page was it's own event, own color scheme... then I started to do the 2-page layout & I loved the look of that. Now of course I'm torn. I must admit, this is the FIRST time I've scrapbooked 12x12, I'm usually a 8.5x11 (I think we're a dying breed!) and even enjoy the 6x6. All this to say I'm LOVIN' the 12x12. All that space to play!!! So, here's the next page in my album. I quite like it... love the chipboard letters (or in this case, a number!). I tried to incorporate some circles again so it at least tied in with the neighboring page ;-). I'm looking forward to my next page layout, our jungle zip-line excursion!!! So fun. And I blew up the main page to 8x10. Been slowly planning that one in my head. :) OK, here's a *green* question... is there a place to go to have your pics developed SMALLER than a 4x6 or do scrappers print these smaller sizes at home on their computers? Happy Sunday!


Anonymous said...

I love your page!!!!
I am normally a 12 x 12 pager myself. I do enjoy the 6x6 too though.
I print all my own photos so I crop them as I need them for size.
Great job on the page though hun!!

Lauren M. said...

Look at you! Scrapping away - you've done some awesome pages! I made the switch to 12x12 about 2 years ago and I can't imagine going back. Glad I found your blog - fun way to keep up with the Grays:)