Monday, March 16, 2009

Hello Monday.

One thing I'm really looking forward to while I'm staying with my Mom in Vernon is getting into photography. I love taking photos (I'm just not good at it!) and my brother is quite the little photographer!! SO... I've asked him to take me out on a couple of photo shoots so I can learn, learn, learn -- be a SPONGE while I'm there. In my "blurfing" (also known as Avoiding Packing!!) I came across these adorable camera straps. You can check them out HERE. How cute are these??
I'm thinking I need a sewing machine, I'm finding darling things online - everyone seems to be getting little etsy shops on their blogs & I love all the cool things people are coming up with. I'm not a fan of clutter... ack! BUT, I do love useful crafty things! I'll share more cool things I've found... please leave a comment with links to things you find too -- I love to check out other peoples crafty blogs... and seeing as most of things will be getting packed up here... it's the best way to get my *fix* :)
Have a great week!

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