Friday, February 15, 2008

Week's End.

Ahhh.... it's friday :) I think I have caught up with all the giveaways and everything has been mailed out :) Today's *Freebie* is for everyone :) Need to get some goodies prepared for next week, so today I'm going to give you an amazing recipe. This Cream Cheese Icing is truly *PERFECT* for cinnamon buns. Now I do have the perfect cinnamon bun recipe (a family tried & true recipe) so if you want it, leave me a comment & I'll email it to you :) How does that sound? :)

This isn't the type of icing you'd put on a cake as it's not the THICK icing you think of when you think "carrot cake"... but it's light & fluffy & AMAZING. Oh I bet it would be good on a cake ;-) It's perfect all by itself on a spoon even! LOL.
IF you have a stand-up mixer you'll be very happy as there's some mixing involved. If you have the hand-held mixer, you'll be standing awhile, but it'll be worth the effort -- do some squats while your mixing -- burn off what you're about to consume! LOL.

1 CUP of Margarine
1 CUP of cream cheese
2 CUPS of powdered sugar
1/2 tsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Allow the margarine & cream cheese to reach room temperature. (you don't want condensation on anything as it will spoil the consistency of the icing). Beat cream cheese & margarine together in a bowl with a mixer. Get it really well mixed. Slowly add in all the powdered sugar. Once all the sugar is in the bowl, mix for AT LEAST AN ADDITIONALY 12 MINUTES. This is not a typo, 12 minutes. See what the stand-free mixer is handy at this point! :) When it's almost done, add in the extracts. ENJOY!!!

Enjoy your weekend, I'll have some more cards to share with you .....


kellycats said...

I'd be happy to take the cinnamon bun recipe off you as well please. Sounds delicious. Too delicious infact. I will try them once I get back to the

Anonymous said...

I would love to have the cinnamon bun recipe, please.


otagogirl said...

That sounds delightfully sinful!
What a fun idea, blog candy for everyone.
I'd love to have the recipe too- thanks so much!

otagogirl said...

Oops, forgot to sign the last post- staying up too late and getting tired (and hungry from reading yummy recipes on your blog!).

Karen in Halifax.