Tuesday, November 27, 2007

One of those days....

Finally got the kids off to school. We had a snowfall last night (anyone else would call it a skiff, but on the island it's a snowFALL - LOL). Kids were up & out the door to play in the white (oh how I wish I could say *fluffy*), wet slushy stuff! They thought for SURE with a whole inch or two on the ground it would be a snow day. Not so lucky :) I got all set up to get my blog post done & realized as I was *cleaning* out my photos last night I deleted ALL my new pics of my cards. *sigh*. So I retook the photos this morning & trying to upload them now. My computer is grouchy this morning though & being very uncooperative. Note to self: ask Santa for a new computer. I hope to share a photo with you today.

Have a happy day.

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